
Saturday, November 30, 2013

What is Blue Collar Conservatism?

  "Blue Collar Conservatism" is meant to inform and educate everyday working people; the people that have never had the luxury of advanced education about true conservatism and what is at stake with the advent of liberalism in socio-economic areas of life. I started this blog because many people that consider themselves conservative don't understand what true conservatism ideology is. The outcome of the past two presidential elections was evidence that many "so-called conservatives" did not participate in the election process because they felt they did not have a candidate that believed in what they believed or that the candidate wasn't conservative enough. This mindset is fatal to the modern conservative movement and will lead to a lower standard of life and of personal liberty.

  The modern conservative movement in America is a relatively new movement that emerged after the end of World War II and became a political force in the 1960's.  According to Alfred S. Regenery who wrote in his paper The Pillars Of Modern American Conservatism (Intercollegiate Review - Spring 2012), "The intellectual foundations on which this movement has been built stretch back to antiquity, were further developed during the Middle Ages and in eighteenth - and nineteenth - century England, and were ultimately formulated into a coherent political philosophy at the time of the founding of the United States. In a real sense, conservatism is Western Civilization". Regenery goes on in his paper to identify the four pillars of modern conservatism which are:

1. Liberty or Freedom.

2. Tradition and Order.

3. The Rule Of Law.

4. Belief In God.

I will be referencing this paper in my next post. 

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